Developers Documentation¶
Building from source¶
Build instructions for CppInterOp and its dependencies are as follows. CppInterOP can be built with either Cling and Clang-REPL, so instructions will differ slightly depending on which option you would like to build, but should be clear from the section title which instructions to follow.
Clone CppInterOp and cppyy-backend¶
First clone the CppInterOp repository, as this contains patches that need to be applied to the subsequently cloned llvm-project repo (these patches are only applied if building CppInterOp with Clang-REPL)
git clone --depth=1
and clone cppyy-backend repository where we will be installing the CppInterOp library
git clone --depth=1
Setup Clang-REPL¶
Clone the 19.x release of the LLVM project repository.
git clone --depth=1 --branch release/19.x
cd llvm-project
For Clang 16 & 17, the following patches required for development work. To apply these patches on Linux and MacOS execute the following command(substitute {version} with your clang version):
git apply -v ../CppInterOp/patches/llvm/clang{version}-*.patch
cp -r ..\CppInterOp\patches\llvm\clang17* .
git apply -v clang{version}-*.patch
on Windows.
Build Clang-REPL¶
Clang-REPL is an interpreter that CppInterOp works alongside. Build Clang (and Clang-REPL along with it). On Linux and MaxOS you do this by executing the following command
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --target clang clang-repl --parallel $(nproc --all)
On Windows you would do this by executing the following
$env:ncpus = $([Environment]::ProcessorCount)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --target clang clang-repl --parallel $env:ncpus
Note the ‘llvm-project’ directory location. On linux and MacOS you execute the following
cd ../
export LLVM_DIR=$PWD
cd ../
On Windows you execute the following
cd ..\
$env:LLVM_DIR= $PWD.Path
cd ..\
Environment variables¶
Regardless of whether you are building CppInterOP with Cling or Clang-REPL you will need to define the following environment variables (as they clear for a new session, it is recommended that you also add these to your .bashrc in linux, .bash_profile if on MacOS, or profile.ps1 on Windows). On Linux and MacOS you define as follows
export CB_PYTHON_DIR="$PWD/cppyy-backend/python"
export CPPINTEROP_DIR="$CB_PYTHON_DIR/cppyy_backend"
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="${CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH}:${LLVM_DIR}/llvm/include:${LLVM_DIR}/clang/include:${LLVM_DIR}/build/include:${LLVM_DIR}/build/tools/clang/include"
If on MacOS you will also need the following environment variable defined
export SDKROOT=`xcrun --show-sdk-path`
On Windows you define as follows (assumes you have defined $env:PWD_DIR= $PWD.Path )
Build CppInterOp¶
Now CppInterOp can be installed. On Linux and MacOS execute
mkdir CppInterOp/build/
cd CppInterOp/build/
On Windows execute
mkdir CppInterOp\build\
cd CppInterOp\build\
Now if you want to build CppInterOp with Clang-REPL then execute the following commands on Linux and MacOS
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DLLVM_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/lib/cmake/llvm -DClang_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/lib/cmake/clang -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build . --target install --parallel $(nproc --all)
cmake -DLLVM_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\lib\cmake\llvm -DClang_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\lib\cmake\clang -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$env:CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build . --target install --parallel $env:ncpus
on Windows. If alternatively you would like to install CppInterOp with Cling then execute the following commands on Linux and MacOS
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DUSE_CLING=ON -DUSE_REPL=Off -DCling_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/tools/cling -DLLVM_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/lib/cmake/llvm -DClang_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/lib/cmake/clang -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build . --target install --parallel $(nproc --all)
cmake -DUSE_CLING=ON -DUSE_REPL=Off -DCling_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\tools\cling -DLLVM_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\lib\cmake\llvm -DClang_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\lib\cmake\clang -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$env:CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build . --target install --parallel $env:ncpus
Testing CppInterOp¶
To test the built CppInterOp execute the following command in the CppInterOP build folder on Linux and MacOS
cmake --build . --target check-cppinterop --parallel $(nproc --all)
cmake --build . --target check-cppinterop --parallel $env:ncpus
on Windows. Now go back to the top level directory in which your building CppInterOP. On Linux and MacOS you do this by executing
cd ../..
cd ..\..
on Windows. Now you are in a position to install cppyy following the instructions below.
Building and Install cppyy-backend¶
Cd into the cppyy-backend directory, build it and copy library files into python/cppyy-backend directory:
cd cppyy-backend
mkdir -p python/cppyy_backend/lib build
cd build
cmake -DCppInterOp_DIR=$CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build .
If on a linux system now execute the following command
cp ../python/cppyy_backend/lib/
and if on MacOS execute the following command
cp libcppyy-backend.dylib ../python/cppyy_backend/lib/
Note go back to the top level build directory
cd ../..
Install CPyCppyy¶
Create virtual environment and activate it:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
git clone --depth=1
mkdir CPyCppyy/build
cd CPyCppyy/build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
Note down the path to the build directory as CPYCPPYY_DIR:
cd ../..
Export the libcppyy path to python:
and on Windows:
Install cppyy¶
git clone --depth=1
cd cppyy
python -m pip install --upgrade . --no-deps --no-build-isolation
cd ..
Run cppyy¶
Each time you want to run cppyy you need to: Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
Now you can import cppyy in python .. code-block:: bash
python -c “import cppyy”
Run cppyy tests¶
Follow the steps in Run cppyy. Change to the test directory, make the library files and run pytest:
cd cppyy/test
make all
python -m pip install pytest
python -m pytest -sv
CppInterOp Internal Documentation¶
CppInterOp maintains an internal Doxygen documentation of its components. Internal documentation aims to capture intrinsic details and overall usage of code components. The goal of internal documentation is to make the codebase easier to understand for the new developers. Internal documentation can be visited : here