
This tutorial emphasises the abilities and usage of CppInterOp. Let’s get started! The tutorial demonstrates two examples, one in C and one in Python, for interoperability.

Note:This example library shown below is to illustrate the concept on which CppInterOp is based.


 libInterop = ctypes.CDLL(libpath, mode = ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
 _cpp_compile = libInterop.Clang_Parse
 _cpp_compile.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]

# We are using ctypes for inducting our library, and *Clang_Parse*, which is
# part of the library, for parsing the C++ code.
Giving a glance at how the header file looks for our library :
The header keeps our function declarations for the functions used in our

# This basically parses our C++ code.
void Clang_Parse(const char* Code);

# Looks up an entity with the given name, possibly in the given Context.
Decl_t Clang_LookupName(const char* Name, Decl_t Context);

# Returns the address of a JIT'd function of the corresponding declaration.
FnAddr_t Clang_GetFunctionAddress(Decl_t D);

# Returns the name of any named decl (class, namespace) & template arguments
std::string GetCompleteName(Decl_t A);

# Allocates memory of underlying size of the passed declaration.
void * Clang_CreateObject(Decl_t RecordDecl);

# Instantiates a given templated declaration.
Decl_t Clang_InstantiateTemplate(Decl_t D, const char* Name, const char* Args);

The C++ code that is to be used in Python comes under this below section. This code is parsed by the CppInterOp library in the previous snippet and further compilation goes on.

def cpp_compile(arg):
 return _cpp_compile(arg.encode("ascii"))

void* operator new(__SIZE_TYPE__, void* __p) noexcept;
extern "C" int printf(const char*,...);
class A {};
class C {};
struct B : public A {
template<typename T, typename S, typename U>
void callme(T, S, U*) { printf(" call me may B! \n"); }
 class CppInterOpLayerWrapper:
_get_scope = libInterop.Clang_LookupName
_get_scope.restype = ctypes.c_size_t
_get_scope.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]

_construct = libInterop.Clang_CreateObject
_construct.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
_construct.argtypes = [ctypes.c_size_t]

_get_template_ct = libInterop.Clang_InstantiateTemplate
_get_template_ct.restype = ctypes.c_size_t
_get_template_ct.argtypes = [ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]

def _get_template(self, scope, name, args):
  return self._get_template_ct(scope, name.encode("ascii"), args.encode("ascii"))

def get_scope(self, name):
  return self._get_scope(name.encode("ascii"))

def get_template(self, scope, name, tmpl_args = [], tpargs = []):
  if tmpl_args:
    # Instantiation is explicit from full name
    full_name = name + '<' + ', '.join([a for a in tmpl_args]) + '>'
    meth = self._get_template(scope, full_name, '')
  elif tpargs:
    # Instantiation is implicit from argument types
    meth = self._get_template(scope, name, ', '.join([a.__name__ for a in tpargs]))
  return CallCPPFunc(meth)

def construct(self, cpptype):
  return self._construct(cpptype)

The class CppInterOpLayerWrapper is supposed to provide a Python wrapper over the cppinterop layer. Here, we have the functions Clang_LookupName, Clang_CreateObject and Clang_InstantiateTemplate are being used, so these are being wrapped to be used in the Python language.

We get to know the scope of the attribute of class by using get_scope. In a similar manner, we can use get_namespace.

In this example for instantiating templates, we need the wrapper for the function being used, which is responsible for finding a template that matches the arguments.

  • In the main, we create types to access the class attributes and the wrapper

can be supplied as the parameter in the map of the type given.

  • We are using a python wrapper around functions to be supplied to the map for

the identification and usage of the function.

  • Finally, the objects are created for the respective class and the desired

function is called, which is callme function in this case.

The complete example can found below: Example.


Include p3-ex4-lib.h, which contains the declarations for the functions used in this code. The detailed summary of header comes in the latter part.

The variable Code is given as a C-style string, it contains the C++ code to be parsed. It has two classes, class A and a templated class B with a member function callme.

const char* Code = "void* operator new(__SIZE_TYPE__, void* __p) noexcept;"
            "extern \"C\" int printf(const char*,...);"
            "class A {};"
            "\n #include <typeinfo> \n"
            "class B {"
            "  template<typename T>"
            "  void callme(T) {"
            "    printf(\" Instantiated with [%s] \\n \", typeid(T).name());"
            " }"

The main() begins with the call to Clang_Parse from interop library responsible for parsing the provided C++ code.

Next there a number of initializations, Instantiation is initialized to zero, it will be used to store the instantiated template. The InstantiationArgs is initialized to “A”, it will be used as the argument when instantiating the template. T is initialized to zero, used to store the declaration of the type “T” used for instantiation.

Decl_t Instantiation = 0;
const char * InstantiationArgs = "A";
Decl_t TemplatedClass = Clang_LookupName("B", /*Context=*/0);
Decl_t T = 0;

This snippet checks command-line arguments were provided by the argc arguments. We take the first argument (argv[1]), parse it, then take the second argument (argv[2]) using Clang_LookupName, and reassigns InstantiationArgs to the third argument (argv[3]). In the else case, we decide to go with the “A”.

The code proceeds to instantiate the template B::callme with the given type, using the Clang_InstantiateTemplate function from the library. The instantiated template is stored in the Instantiation.

Instantiation = Clang_InstantiateTemplate(TemplatedClass, "callme", InstantiationArgs);

A function pointer callme_fn_ptr is declared with a type fn_def that represents the function taking a void* argument and returning void. The result of Clang_GetFunctionAddress is casted by the function pointer.

typedef void (*fn_def)(void*);
fn_def callme_fn_ptr = (fn_def) Clang_GetFunctionAddress(Instantiation);

The code then creates an object of type A using Clang_CreateObject, and the pointer to this object is stored in NewA.

void* NewA = Clang_CreateObject(T);

Then the function pointer callme_fn_ptr is called with the NewA, which calls the member function B::callme with the instantiated type. Thus, the instantiation happens with type A and we get the below result.

You get the output as :
Instantiated with [1A]

In conclusion, this C code uses the CppInterOp library to dynamically instantiate templates and call member functions based on provided types. This example was to show how we can instantiate templates, in a similar manner we can use the CppInterOp library to use many other features and attributes of languages to interoperate.

Header File:

We wrap the library functions within the extern “C” for its usage in C programs. All the functions of the library which are to be used in the C program have to be under the extern C for the compiler to know the C++ code within.

extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
/// Process C++ code.
void Clang_Parse(const char* Code);

/// Looks up an entity with the given name, possibly in the given Context.
Decl_t Clang_LookupName(const char* Name, Decl_t Context);

/// Returns the address of a JIT'd function of the corresponding declaration.
FnAddr_t Clang_GetFunctionAddress(Decl_t D);

/// Allocates memory of underlying size of the passed declaration.
void * Clang_CreateObject(Decl_t RecordDecl);

/// Instantiates a given templated declaration.
Decl_t Clang_InstantiateTemplate(Decl_t D, const char* Name, const char* Args);
#ifdef __cplusplus

The complete example can found below: Example.