Installation And Usage¶
Build from source¶
Build instructions for CppInterOp and its dependencies are as follows. CppInterOP can be built with either Cling and Clang-REPL, so instructions will differ slightly depending on which option you would like to build, but should be clear from the section title which instructions to follow.
Clone CppInterOp and cppyy-backend¶
First clone the CppInterOp repository, as this contains patches that need to be applied to the subsequently cloned llvm-project repo (these patches are only applied if building CppInterOp with Clang-REPL)
git clone --depth=1
and clone cppyy-backend repository where we will be installing the CppInterOp library
git clone --depth=1
Setup Clang-REPL¶
Clone the 19.x release of the LLVM project repository.
git clone --depth=1 --branch release/19.x
cd llvm-project
For Clang 16 & 17, the following patches required for development work. To apply these patches on Linux and MacOS execute the following command(substitute {version} with your clang version):
git apply -v ../CppInterOp/patches/llvm/clang{version}-*.patch
cp -r ..\CppInterOp\patches\llvm\clang17* .
git apply -v clang{version}-*.patch
on Windows.
Build Clang-REPL¶
Clang-REPL is an interpreter that CppInterOp works alongside. Build Clang (and Clang-REPL along with it). On Linux and MaxOS you do this by executing the following command
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --target clang clang-repl --parallel $(nproc --all)
On Windows you would do this by executing the following
$env:ncpus = $([Environment]::ProcessorCount)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --target clang clang-repl --parallel $env:ncpus
Note the ‘llvm-project’ directory location. On linux and MacOS you execute the following
cd ../
export LLVM_DIR=$PWD
cd ../
On Windows you execute the following
cd ..\
$env:LLVM_DIR= $PWD.Path
cd ..\
Environment variables¶
Regardless of whether you are building CppInterOP with Cling or Clang-REPL you will need to define the following environment variables (as they clear for a new session, it is recommended that you also add these to your .bashrc in linux, .bash_profile if on MacOS, or profile.ps1 on Windows). On Linux and MacOS you define as follows
export CB_PYTHON_DIR="$PWD/cppyy-backend/python"
export CPPINTEROP_DIR="$CB_PYTHON_DIR/cppyy_backend"
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="${CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH}:${LLVM_DIR}/llvm/include:${LLVM_DIR}/clang/include:${LLVM_DIR}/build/include:${LLVM_DIR}/build/tools/clang/include"
If on MacOS you will also need the following environment variable defined
export SDKROOT=`xcrun --show-sdk-path`
On Windows you define as follows (assumes you have defined $env:PWD_DIR= $PWD.Path )
Build CppInterOp¶
Now CppInterOp can be installed. On Linux and MacOS execute
mkdir CppInterOp/build/
cd CppInterOp/build/
On Windows execute
mkdir CppInterOp\build\
cd CppInterOp\build\
Now if you want to build CppInterOp with Clang-REPL then execute the following commands on Linux and MacOS
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DLLVM_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/lib/cmake/llvm -DClang_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/lib/cmake/clang -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build . --target install --parallel $(nproc --all)
cmake -DLLVM_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\lib\cmake\llvm -DClang_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\lib\cmake\clang -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$env:CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build . --target install --parallel $env:ncpus
on Windows. If alternatively you would like to install CppInterOp with Cling then execute the following commands on Linux and MacOS
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DUSE_CLING=ON -DUSE_REPL=Off -DCling_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/tools/cling -DLLVM_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/lib/cmake/llvm -DClang_DIR=$LLVM_DIR/build/lib/cmake/clang -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build . --target install --parallel $(nproc --all)
cmake -DUSE_CLING=ON -DUSE_REPL=Off -DCling_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\tools\cling -DLLVM_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\lib\cmake\llvm -DClang_DIR=$env:LLVM_DIR\build\lib\cmake\clang -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$env:CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build . --target install --parallel $env:ncpus
Testing CppInterOp¶
To test the built CppInterOp execute the following command in the CppInterOP build folder on Linux and MacOS
cmake --build . --target check-cppinterop --parallel $(nproc --all)
cmake --build . --target check-cppinterop --parallel $env:ncpus
on Windows. Now go back to the top level directory in which your building CppInterOP. On Linux and MacOS you do this by executing
cd ../..
cd ..\..
on Windows. Now you are in a position to install cppyy following the instructions below.
Building and Install cppyy-backend¶
Cd into the cppyy-backend directory, build it and copy library files into python/cppyy-backend directory:
cd cppyy-backend
mkdir -p python/cppyy_backend/lib build
cd build
cmake -DCppInterOp_DIR=$CPPINTEROP_DIR ..
cmake --build .
If on a linux system now execute the following command
cp ../python/cppyy_backend/lib/
and if on MacOS execute the following command
cp libcppyy-backend.dylib ../python/cppyy_backend/lib/
Note go back to the top level build directory
cd ../..
Install CPyCppyy¶
Create virtual environment and activate it:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
git clone --depth=1
mkdir CPyCppyy/build
cd CPyCppyy/build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
Note down the path to the build directory as CPYCPPYY_DIR:
cd ../..
Export the libcppyy path to python:
and on Windows:
Install cppyy¶
git clone --depth=1
cd cppyy
python -m pip install --upgrade . --no-deps --no-build-isolation
cd ..
Run cppyy¶
Each time you want to run cppyy you need to: Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
Now you can import cppyy in python .. code-block:: bash
python -c “import cppyy”
Run cppyy tests¶
Follow the steps in Run cppyy. Change to the test directory, make the library files and run pytest:
cd cppyy/test
make all
python -m pip install pytest
python -m pytest -sv